
Seryogina.ru – практика натурального питания

Seryogina.ru – практика натурального питания

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Интервью с Лидией Серегиной на Modern Russia, 29 ноября 2011

G20 YES: Vegan products wholesaler Seryogina.ru

Дорогие друзья, читайте интервью с Лидией Серегиной на modernrussia.com, сделанное на недавно прошедшем Форуме Молодых Предпринимателей в Ницце (Франция). Лида говорит о вдохновении, мечтах и о развитии рынка натуральных продуктов в нашей стране.

Lydia Seryogina, founder and chief executive officer of Seryogina.ru

Modern Russia spoke with several young Russian entrepreneurs who are driving the innovation and modernization of the Russian economy at the G20 Young Entrepreneur Summit in Nice, France.

Below is an interview with Lydia Seryogina, founder and chief executive officer of Seryogina.ru, a manufacturer of natural sweetener and retail and wholesaler of vegan products.

Tell us about your company.  What inspired you to start your own business?

Seryogina.ru was started in my kitchen with my son as the inspiration.  When he was 1 year old, I began collecting vegan recipes and information because I wanted to cook healthy foods for him.  At the time there was very little information to be found and I couldn’t find any places to buy natural or vegan foods in Russia.  As such, I was inspired to write a recipe book and to create a vegan culinary blog at www.seryogina.ru so that others could learn about how to cook and enjoy the healthy benefits of natural and vegan products.  This spawned an e-shop, workshops and more than 11,000 subscribers to my blog.

Later, when I was looking for a healthy sugar substitute for my family, I discovered a syrup created from the Jerusalem artichoke – a natural, nutritious and delicious alternative.  It was then that Seryogina.ru began producing Toba and launched this sugar substitute in the Russian market.

What is the natural and vegan products food market like in Russia?  What are the prospects for growth in this area?

Today the natural food market in Russia is small and young but it is growing very quickly.  It is about 30 years behind the U.S. and Europe but we are on our way, and Seryogina.ru is helping to drive its growth.

The traditional Russian diet includes fatty salads with mayonnaise, lots of meat and fried foods, but changes are starting to appear. People are becoming focused on health, with many participating in “detox” programs to get over illnesses and improve their allergies.  Other people are interested in learning new cooking methods, trying new recipes and tasting exotic foods.  In either case, they will discover that the raw, vegan diet is fun, modern, light and positive.

Why should someone invest in your company?

Here are three reasons to invest in my company:

1. Seryogina.ru isn’t a risky startup.  We are a growing company and well-known in the sector.

2. The company’s CEO and team are hard working.  Some might even call our commitment to success maniacal.

3. The potential for a natural sugar substitute in Russia is huge.

As a young entrepreneur, how have you experienced the modernization of the Russian economy?

I am actively involved in many entrepreneurship networks including the Moscow Business Club and the U.S.-Russia Center for Entrepreneurship.  I am also participating in Seliger, an educational forum that brings together young people to study and discuss issues in economics among other issues, as an expert, and as part of the mentorship program.

I cite these as examples of the growing community of entrepreneurs in Russia.  I participate in these networks as a way to support my fellow entrepreneurs and I see my own work as a way to set an example in practice.

What do you see as the next steps for continued modernization of the Russian economy?

In my view, modernization must be driven from both the government and from entrepreneurs.  Modernization of the Russian economy will only come with efforts from both sides.

By: Modern Russia and Lydia Seryogina, Seryogina.ru on November 28, 2011

Опубликовала Аня Бокова

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